Of course I'm not happy about taking time off of running. As I was ruminating on this unfortunate development this week I remembered that it was this time last year while recovering from surgery that I was sitting in the den pouting because I couldn't run when I discovered the early morning yoga class on the YMCA group exercise schedule. I've really come to enjoy this yoga class and feel that I have benefited from it. Had I not had surgery I may never have found the yoga class. Funny how things work out. Wonder what I might stir up this year?
Also during my ruminations this week I started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish this year while running. I remembered that I had set a few goals for the year and realized I had achieved a couple of them. I revisited my goals for the year and sure enough one of the goals was to complete a full marathon. Earlier this month I completed the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Sure my time was slower that I would have liked but I did complete the marathon. Check that one off.
Another goal this year was to implement the Galloway run walk run method. I am going to say that I did implement this method since most of my long training runs were Galloway start to finish. Also, I did use the Galloway method in Chicago even though my interval timer was hard to hear because the crowds were so large and loud almost the entire distance of the course. A few of my group runs at Jacksonville Running Company were without the benefit of the Galloway method but since Mr. Galloway says it's the group leader's responsibility to enforce the walk breaks I am going to blame the group leaders for this. You know who you are.:) So I am checking this goal off as well.
My third and last running goal for 2014 was to run 700 miles. I figured I was getting close so today I pulled up my calendar and did a little math. Turns out that from January 1st, 2014 through October 12, 2014, the day of the Chicago Marathon and my most recent run, my mileage totals 699.94. Right now I am not planning on running until Thanksgiving Day but will certainly accomplish goal #3 on that day. I know a 700 mile goal is pretty minor league but since I didn't accomplish last year's mileage goal I wanted to set a goal that was very doable. So as I try to get my weight training and yoga practices re-established over the next month I will try not to pout since I've had a pretty good year running so far.
Those that know me or read this blog on a regular basis know that sometimes things get a little weird. Recently I've become quite intrigued by the whole idea of natural footwear and have become quite fond of my Altra zero drop shoes. Imagine the radical idea of making a shoe in the shape of a foot. I've also become quite interested in the Natural Running Center website. NO, I am not going to start making running sandals out of old tires like some wackos, again I have to say, you know who you are.:) But the whole idea that improper foot wear can damage our feet makes sense to me. So........, I decided to try a product called Yoga Toes. As far as I can tell, Yoga Toes is really a poor man's Correct Toes. I bought a pair of Yoga Toes on their Labor Day sale and they threw in some kind of pedicure sponge thing that the Mrs. grabbed up. The Yoga Toes website states that their product corrects all kinds of foot problems so it must be true. Anyhow it is a sponge thing that is worn for a little while daily when ever possible. A photo follows.
The Yoga Toes are not designed to be worn while walking or wearing shoes. It looks to me like the Correct Toes can be worn with toe socks inside shoes while walking. I may need to try a pair. However; since I have little in the footwear budget for this sort of thing I will have to save up for a pair.
So here we are a week away from Halloween. I've known people that said Halloween is the start of the holiday crazy season. (just can't remember who they were right now) I expect my next post on this blog will be on Thanksgiving Day when I accomplish my third running goal for the year.
All the best.
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