Thursday, November 28, 2013

2013 Holiday Running Streak - Day 1 - 11-28-2013 - Details

2013 Holiday Running Streak - Day 1 - 11-28-2013 - Details

Well, today was day number 1 of the 2013 holiday running streak as promoted by Runners World magazine. You may remember from last year that this is where we common sense challenged commit to running at least a mile every day from Thanksgiving to New Years day.

Since I did a practice bike commute to my office and then back home this morning that totaled 27 miles, I opted for a one mile run after lunch and a 2 hour nap.

My 1 mile run was swell, really, its just that it was kind of like a good piece of pumpkin pie, I was just getting started and then it was over, just like that. Well, there is tomorrow to look forward to.

I am happy to report that now almost 6 weeks after my surgery on October 15th, I seemed to turn a corner with last Sunday's 6 mile run and seem to be pretty well recovered. I've had a couple decent weight workouts since Sunday and went to the Tuesday morning yoga class again this week.

So the streak has started, I have vowed not to send out daily email messages this year but will summarize my streak activity on the weekends. I'm sure that will brighten everyone's holiday season, mine included.

Happy Holidays

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