Wednesday, June 3, 2015

National Running Day - 4.20 miles - 6-3-2015

National Running Day - 4.20 miles - 6-3-2015 - Details

I celebrated National Running Day today by hurrying home right after work and covering my neighborhood 4 mile loop before the rain started. I suppose if I was a little (or maybe a lot) more tech savvy I would be tweeting or sending a selfie to Instagram but I am just going to rely on an old school blog post to share my celebration.

For me, it really is a celebration since I have been running off and on for some 50 years or so and now realize the huge impact it has had on so many areas of my life. Sure I started like many, using exercise as a way to get to a healthy body weight. But along the way I got so much more.

Some days it was quiet solitude and others it was a crowd of friends, sometimes it was a chance to get away from problems and on other days I had the opportunity to focus on an issue, consider it from every angle and come up with a solution.

Running has been a part of many types of travel over the years from squeezing in a race on job hunting trips at least twice in recent memory, pleasure trips to destination events many times over the years and of course hopping off cruise ships for my own pre-planned shore excursions. I've learned that the best way to get to know a city is on foot or bicycle.

Oh, the things I have seen and the places I have gone, all by putting one foot in front of the other. One of the real pleasures of all this movement of feet has been a real appreciation for nature that I likely would not have had otherwise. The sound of a bird singing always puts a smile on my face.

So what are you waiting for, it doesn't matter how fast or how far, if you are out there putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward you are a real runner in my book. Happy National Running Day.:)

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