Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Long Run - 18.2 miles - 8-24-2014

JRC Sunday Group - 9 miles - 8-24-2014 - Details

The total of 18.2 miles for this morning's long run included 3 separate Garmin activities. I left home about 5:20 this morning and drove to the YMCA where I left my car for pick up later. I left the Y a little after 5:30 and headed to JRC for the official start of the group run. When I got to JRC I stopped my watch and saved that portion of the run which totaled 4.2 miles since others were still arriving.

The route for the group run portion was very similar to last week with a trip out Gate Pkwy. to Town Center Blvd. then east to I-295 where we made the turn and headed back to the cow tunnel. After the trip through the tunnel we completed a loop around Burnt Mill and  headed north/west on Gate to the water stop provided by Jacksonville Running Company. After a good long drink of cold water and refilling my bottle we again headed north/west on Gate. I turned left on Deerwood Park Blvd. in the direction of the YMCA.  Dawn, my partner for this run, continued on Gate in the direction of JRC. When I arrived at the Y my distance for the 2nd run segment was 9 miles for 13.2 miles so far.

I was feeling pretty good as I opened the door to the Y and stepped into the air conditioning. After getting settled and drying off a bit I had a Clif bar, got some more water and headed for the treadmills. I picked out a treadmill with a view of the lake, set the target distance at 5 miles and worked my way up to a 12 MPM pace. I was feeling really good during the first couple of miles.

A little past the half way point, when I felt pretty sure I was going to complete the 5 miles, I started feeling pretty pleased with myself since I was pretty sure I would hit the 18.2 for the day. A real badass?, well maybe. A short while later a woman walked into the treadmill area and I noticed as she was picking out a treadmill that she had on kind of a funny looking headband. She ended up on a mill about 3 down from me and started her run. I looked over a short while later and could see that behind the headband she just had little clumps of hair scattered around her mostly bare scull. My guess was that she is currently undergoing chemo treatment. I thought, well, who's the badass now ya big dummy? To compensate for my inflated ego I hit the up arrow on the incline adjustment a couple times and kept running.

I did finish the 5 mile treadmill segment for a total 18.2 miles this morning. Near the end of this run I was feeling a little pain on the outside of my right leg, just below the knee. I could also tell that both knees have a little inflammation. I am going to try to finish this week with no more miles than last week and then starting next Sunday cut the miles back to give the legs a little break before the final push to Chicago. 


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